Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day #51 Bucksport, ME to Bar Harbor, ME 46.7 miles

The K-Team Dipping Tires at the Bar Harbor Pier
L to R:  Kathy Q, Katie, Kirby, Cathy M, Katricia and Canada

Best of Day: Finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dipping of tires at Bar Harbor Pier; Lobster roll for lunch; Taking bikes to bike shop for shipping; Ice cream break; Banquet tonight! 
Worst of Day: Saying good-bye to wonderful new and old friends.
Quote of Day: There were many quotes today!  One of the more memorable was “The breakfast Emily made for us this morning was like the finale at a fireworks display!!” which was a reference to homemade cinnamon buns and quiche!  (Unidentified member of the K-team!)


  1. Congratulations on completing another epic ride. Having followed your blog daily, it seems I must say good-bye to many new and wonderful friends as the ride ends. Wishing you all safe journeys back to wherever you came. I've enjoyed every day with you!

  2. Congrats on your amazing achievement! Safe travels home. xoxo :)
