Monday, June 15, 2015

Day #53-54 (Home 2 days) The Atlantic Coast Journey “Wrap Up”


South Carolina 
North Carolina 
Washington DC
New Jersey
New York
New Hampshire 

Video of T.V. coverage in Bar Harbor:
Total Mileage:  2582 miles
Days on the road:  51 with 8 recovery days
Total Climbing:  est. 80,000 feet
Total Number of States: 14 including D.C.
Number of flats:  1 (Piece of glass; still have Pam’s dollar bill under front tire and super glue on top!)
Gearing phenomena:  Put my bike into first gear in front chain ring on June 5thand wasn't moved again!
Best Meal:  “The Wharf” in Alexandria, VA Old Town
Best Coffee:  “The Daily Grind” East Windsor, CT
Best Ice Cream: “Frozen Caboose” Highland, NY
Best Lobster Roll:  “The Maine Diner” Wells, ME
Worst weather: Tropical Storm Ana in Surf City, NC 
Best weather:  Sunshine in Bar Harbor, ME
Great Quote: “….I would always have the memories….just a little longer to take in the views, breathe the air, ride my bike, and be absolutely and completely free.”  (Taken from an article in Adventure Cyclist, Dec2014/Jan2015)
“How to Deal with Re-Entry” (Provided at Bar Harbor Banquet by Mary Blake)
1)     When you get home, don’t take your bike to the bedroom.
2)     Refrain from putting a plastic chair in your driveway, expecting dinner to be served.
3)     Don’t go to the neighbor’s house and ask if you can “just throw a few things in the laundry.”
4)     When doing errands around town and “mother nature” calls, green rooms are not the way to go; public restrooms are available.
5)     If a white Subaru comes along while you are riding, don’t tap your helmet expecting it to stop and offer you water or snacks [or a bike pump]!
6)     No list is required before doing laundry.  You can be first.
7)     Don’t obsess with the ground in dirt on your ankles – skin cells replace themselves about every month.
8)     If you find yourself having a difficult time going through re-entry alone – know that we can always call one another to ease the way. We will understand.

Thanks again to my wonderful friends and colleagues for all their support, and my incredible family for making this trip a reality!


Friday, June 12, 2015

Day #52 Bar Harbor, ME to Bangor, ME to Madison, WI to Soldiers Grove, WI

Home Again!!
L to R:  Katie and Luna 

Best of Day: Bud brought flowers to airport!
Worst of Day: Saying good-bye again to wonderful new and old friends.
Quote of Day: “What happened to your feet?!”  (TSA staff at OO Bangor Airport)  
“O You are our heroes!”  (TSA staff when we explained our strange tanlines from biking sandals!)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day #51 Bucksport, ME to Bar Harbor, ME 46.7 miles

The K-Team Dipping Tires at the Bar Harbor Pier
L to R:  Kathy Q, Katie, Kirby, Cathy M, Katricia and Canada

Best of Day: Finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dipping of tires at Bar Harbor Pier; Lobster roll for lunch; Taking bikes to bike shop for shipping; Ice cream break; Banquet tonight! 
Worst of Day: Saying good-bye to wonderful new and old friends.
Quote of Day: There were many quotes today!  One of the more memorable was “The breakfast Emily made for us this morning was like the finale at a fireworks display!!” which was a reference to homemade cinnamon buns and quiche!  (Unidentified member of the K-team!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day #50 Rockport, ME to Bucksport, ME 42.8 miles

West Penobscot Bay in Camden, ME
L to R:  Katie, Kathy Q and Kirby 

Best of Day: Took advantage of short mileage and sunshine; Ate our way to Bucksport with 3 different stops for food (lunch, bakery and ice cream); Went to the top of the Penobscot Narrows Bridge Observatory; Map meeting included plans to meet at pier in Bar Harbor to dip wheels and take a group picture!
Worst of Day: 3000 ft. more of climbing.
Quote of Day: “You gals are having too much fun to ever get back on those bikes out there!”  (Gentleman sitting next to our table at lunch.)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day #49 Freeport, ME to Rockport, ME 68.8 miles

And we rode 68 miles today looking like this?!
L to R:  Kathy Q, Kirby and Katie

Best of Day: Wide shoulders on many roads today; Crossing inlets; Lobster boats; Lobster roll for lunch.  
Worst of Day: Cold, foggy, misty rain; Hills (4855 ft. of climbing)
Quote of Day: “The hardpart of stopping is starting” (K-Team consensus)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Day #48 Freeport, ME 0 miles (Recovery Day)

L.L. Bean Headquarters is Freeport, Maine!
L to R:  Kirby, Katie and Kathy Q.
Best of Day: Weather is holding off – rained for awhile then stopped!
High tea at our Inn at 3:30 in the afternoon!  This is a town of “outlets” of all sorts.  Great restaurants near our Inn; Lobster roll for lunch. 

Happy Birthday Lisa!

Worst of Day: Never long enough!
Quote of Day:  “It’s been quite the day with all these bikes in town!”  (Bike Technician at L.L. Bean Bike, Boat & Ski Store)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day #47 Kennebunk, ME to Freeport, ME 63.76 miles

Walking the last half of this hill (15-16% grade)!
(Picture taken by friends of other cyclists on our tour, passing us in their car!)
Best of Day: One more spectacular day of great weather; The route took us inland to get around Portland; Lobster rolls for lunch! 
Worst of Day: Road surface and hills kept us alert the last 20 miles (3582 ft of climbing)!
Quote of Day:  “Not even Pavarotti could help me up this hill!”

Day #46 Hampton, NH to Kennebunk, ME 46.4 miles

Kelle sent a large package of “Kind” energy bars for the tour in Hampton, NH.  They were much appreciated by all at the snack table this morning!
L to R:  Kathy “Canada,” Gail, Sue and Dolly

Best of Day: Spectacular day; Rode along the coast for most of day; SAG stop at the Nubble Lighthouse; Lobster rolls for lunch!
Worst of Day: Nothing!
Quote of Day:  “Today’s ride was the ride I signed up for!”(Katricia)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Day #44 Boxborough, MA to Hampton, NH 78.3 miles

“Arrived at the Ocean Again!”
L to R:  Kathy Q., Katie and Kirby 

Best of Day: Great weather (70’s again with no wind); Up or down with nothing in between with 3000 ft. of climbing (never took bike out of first gear in big chain ring); Chocolate Shop in Exeter; New State with one to go!; Finding the ocean again!
Worst of Day: Forgot to call Nancy B.(SAG driver) to let her know that we stopped at gas station and ate packed lunches while she sat 4 miles up the road and waited for us!
Quote(s) of Day:  “Tomorrow we’re only eating seafood.  I’m not going to pack a PB&J.  I will live dangerously!”  (Kirby)
“We will leave later in the morning and hopefully some of you will NOT arrive [at next destination] while the people in your rooms are still sleeping!”  (Michelle, Guide, at Map Meeting)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day #43 Sturbridge, MA to Boxborough, MA 62.9 miles

“On the Road Again!”
L to R:  Katie, Patricia (aka Katricia) and Kirby
(Picture taken by Kathy Q)

"Dinner at Robyn's house!"

Best of Day: Great weather (high 60's with no wind); Hills were “doable” (3500 ft. of climbing); Beautiful country roads; Miles of stone fences and walls; Dinner in the back yard at Robyn's historic home (Woman Tours rider who lives nearby and fixed a wonderful dinner for us.) 
Worst of Day: Ice cream shop recommended on cue sheet did not exist!
Quote of Day:  When we stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts to get coffee (we were desperate) an “older” gentleman at the table next to ours, said“I can barely walk and you girls are riding bikes!”  I said, “Yes sort of crazy, don’t you think?”  He replied, “Maybe crazy but crazy healthy!”

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day #42 Sturbridge, MA 0 miles (Recovery day –70 degrees and sunny)

“Day off” Dinner!
L to R:  Kathy Q., Pam, Roberta, Mary D., Tom B., Tom K., Katie, Kirby, Katricia, (Vickie joined us later).

Best of Day: Bike odometer repaired at bike store; Hair color and cut; Reunion with Roberta and Tom Brown who took our laundry last night, returned it tonight AND treated us (2010 ST alum) to dinner; Tom Kirby (Kirby’s brother) with us for dinner.
2010 Southern Tier reunion included Mary D., Pam, Kirby and Roberta.
Worst of Day: Not long enough!
Quote of Day:  Dinner was full of quotes – probably most memorable was Q telling the story of her second flat tire and sharing the wisdom of “When someone asks if you need help, you always say YES!”  

Also, Tom Brown's idea of providing a laundry service on epic tours in addition to a "blog synthesis" service!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day #41 East Windsor, CT to Sturbridge, MA 0 miles (SAG day – 50 degrees with hills and rain)

The “K” teamdivided!
Some dressed to bike in the cold and drizzle; others dressed to ride in the van!

Best of Day: Stayed warmand dry; Kirby’s brother came and took the “K” team van riders to lunch while we waited for Kirby to arrive; Crossed over to one more new state; Roberta, another of the ST 2010 alum met us for dinner and brought their beer for the tour group (Atlantic Coast 2015 label!)
Worst of Day:  Hills
Quote of Day:  Roberta coined this phrase on the Southern Tier and Mary D. used it today, “And we actually pay to do this??!!“

Monday, June 1, 2015

Day #40 Lakeville, CT to East Windsor, CT - 0 miles (SAG day – 50 degrees with wind chill and rain)

Icing my knees the night before the cold snap/rain day.

I rode in the van today (with strong knees) and ran crisis interference at the 20 mile SAG stop.  Subaru had a low tire and needed repair so the van took the first SAG stop.  Emily opened the kitchen to make popcorn and heat water for hot chocolate.  The 7 people in the van gathered all their extra clothing to contribute to the wet and cold cyclists as they came through.  We also improvised with plastic bags and non-latex gloves from kitchen.

Best of Day: Stayed warm and dry; Oysters and clams on the half shell for lunch in East Windsor; Brother (who lives here) of one cyclist on tour brought us wine and cheese before dinner tonight; Everyone who rode today arrived safely. 
Worst of Day: Rain and more rain expected.  Cold front moved in with temperatures in the 50’s (lowest today was 46 degrees); Watched and worried about hypothermia.
Quote of Day:  “Are we having fun yet?”  (Mary D. arriving at SAG stop.)